About Criar Brasil

Centro de Imprensa, Assessoria e Rádio – Criar Brasil is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization based in Rio de Janeiro City with a nationwide scope. Criar Brasil is dedicated to the promotion of democracy and the defense of human rights. We believe in the right to communication as both a resource and a means of political struggle. Since 1994, our projects have been guided by an idea that express our principles: “Criar Brasil is a communication NGO for all voices”. Our actions are focused on fostering plurality, diversity, and the collaborative construction of knowledge.

Our institutional mission is to contribute to the reflection and improvement of the field of communication, while actively engaging with other stakeholders in our arena: “To support social movement organizations with communication strategies, including production, consulting, research, and training in radio and other platforms – such as press, internet and audiovisual media – aiming to advance human rights, with a specific focus on the right to communicate”.

Criar Brasil originated in Ibase – Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas, where we worked alongside with sociologist Herbert de Souza. Over the past 30 years, we have adapted to profound social, technological, and communication changes, while fostering partnerships with networks comprising community-based and public radio and TV stations, as well as activists and collectives. While we remain rooted in the radio field, we have expanded our horizons by embracing new technologies and languages: we produce content, run training, and provide consulting services in audiovisual media, podcast and social media.

Directors Board

President (in memoriam)

  • Valéria Marcia de Mendonça


  • Marcus Aurélio de Carvalho


  • Luciano Alves

Audit Board

  • Rosana Heringer
  • Adriana Mota
  • Eneraldo Carneiro



Executive Board

  • Rosangela Fernandes
  • Marcia Vales
  • Douglas Vieira
  • Adriana Maria

Collaborating consultants

  • Adhemar Mineiro
  • João Paulo Malerba


  • Marina Vianna
  • Viviane Nascimento
  • Marcelo Guerra
  • Paulo Lima
  • Celso Ramalho
  • Isabelle Gomes
  • Ludmila Zeger
  • Carlos Fraga
  • Tatiane Cardoso
  • João Vítor Soares
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